We were wet, really, really wet...
3 hours agility in the rain…. First half with Zanna and the second half with Tieka, and we are all wet……… really, really wet….
It didn’t rain extremely hard, just a steady down pour for 3 hours, enough to make us wet…… really, really wet.
My wax coat did its dandiest to keep me dry, but after 3 hours of rain there are still plenty of wet, really wet, bits.
Did I mention the 3 hours of rain?
Got home, called Flecha from his nice dry basket so we could do the last wee and jobby round, put out the rubbish cos tomorrow is pick up day and then rubbed down the girls, jumped into my p.j’s and crawled behind the computer to share my cold and wet story.
Tieka has wisely gone to bed, its nice and warm on the water bed ;-) . Zanna is a bit more loyal and has taken place behind me in MY chair. And Flecha has crawled back into his nice basket, still nearly just as dry as he was all evening… the lucky old sod.
My bum is still cold… and the front of my legs are still cold…Why do I do these things?
Cos its fun, we really did have fun. We have a really nice bunch of classmates that make even the less enjoyable fun.
But I must admit that instead of going into the canteen for a drink after the last lesson we nearly all went home in a quick way… boy were we wet!!! Even after “only” 1 and a half hours they were wet, really. really wet.
3 hours agility in the rain…. First half with Zanna and the second half with Tieka, and we are all wet……… really, really wet….
It didn’t rain extremely hard, just a steady down pour for 3 hours, enough to make us wet…… really, really wet.
My wax coat did its dandiest to keep me dry, but after 3 hours of rain there are still plenty of wet, really wet, bits.
Did I mention the 3 hours of rain?
Got home, called Flecha from his nice dry basket so we could do the last wee and jobby round, put out the rubbish cos tomorrow is pick up day and then rubbed down the girls, jumped into my p.j’s and crawled behind the computer to share my cold and wet story.
Tieka has wisely gone to bed, its nice and warm on the water bed ;-) . Zanna is a bit more loyal and has taken place behind me in MY chair. And Flecha has crawled back into his nice basket, still nearly just as dry as he was all evening… the lucky old sod.
My bum is still cold… and the front of my legs are still cold…Why do I do these things?
Cos its fun, we really did have fun. We have a really nice bunch of classmates that make even the less enjoyable fun.
But I must admit that instead of going into the canteen for a drink after the last lesson we nearly all went home in a quick way… boy were we wet!!! Even after “only” 1 and a half hours they were wet, really. really wet.
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