Monday, August 20, 2007

Indroducing Vaglies litter going clock wise strating with the white-brown puppy top right.Arrow = with some imagination her back spot looks like a big fat arrow

Moon = white-orange female.

George = white-orange male. Why George? Well he just looks like a George. Don’t all people that are called George have ginger hair? LOL

Yellow = no points for guessing why this name. White-orange boy with yellow cord around his neck.

Tre = w-b female with Italian name meaning 3. (3 markings on her butt :-) )

Stip = w-b female having an ever so small white spot on her head. In Dutch a small “stip”

Speck = w-b female. What you cant see in this photo is that she has very small brown speck on her left side.

Sneewpop = w-b female with a snowman marking on her back. Dutch name.

Mr Brown = w-b male. He is the only male having any brown color. On his other side he has 3 large brown markings.

A gathering of on lookers at Vaglie’s litter
I'd call this a mound of puppies.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. All ohhhhhhhhhh moments of "cuteness" :-)
In the middel is Speck, you can see her speck here.


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