Thankfully Dot is just a “heavy breather" found to be in perfect health. We left with releaf plus we had a huge complement how lovely Dotje is with her puppies and how trusting she is of the world around her and her pups.
Everyone (dogs) in the house has met the pups now. Non make a fuss, the pups are simply accepted to be part of the family. And Dot was extremely tolerant of the attention knowing the others mean no harm and just want to check out the youngest members of the Kakapo nest.
Dot is eating like a horse so she has plenty to feed her 7 children which at the moment looks something like a non-stop 24 hour “sucking station”.
I don’t tire of looking and looking at them…..
Close-ups of feeding pups always make me smile.
Volgens mij ligt er nog een witje tussen Dotje dr vootpoten??
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