Its been a long time and to be honest I could have stalled even longer as its still a busy time. Another big factor is that the computers here haven’t been too cooperative up till now so each mail has its exciting time consuming moments, “can it be finished and actually sent before having to reboot the computer and write it again?” No doggy photos for the moments as they are on another computer. Perhaps Ill do a “quick” log in there to post a dog jail photo later today.
The girly dogs all arrived safe in NZ an hour later than expected and greeted Robyn (who is the quarantine kennel owner) and the customs people just as happily as they did visitors that come to our house. Kiwi was apparently the biggest hit with the customs men. Yes well, this was to be expected as any self respecting butch NZ man cant possibly go gaga over little curly coated Lagotti LOL..
To all our amazement all 5 girls hadn’t weeed or poepied in their crates so no guesses as to what the first action was of the girls once released.
Every 2 or 3 days I go see the dogs that are still in quarantine. They are doing very well. The first 2 visits they would try do come with us when we left. But after that when we left them they stayed back looking resigned to their prison sentence.
The owner Robyn is a super nice animal loving lady, an opinion not only shared by myself but also the dogs. They react with happy enthusiasm when Robyn and/or her daughters, who work there too, come and have a natter while we sit and cuddle the dogs. The reaction is quite different should one of the work men attempt to walk past the kennels. They bark like mad looking ever so pleased with themselves that their attempts at being guard dogs is working so well.
The quarantine place is also boarding kennels for NZ dogs and cats who’s owners are on holiday but this service will be stopped at the end of this month and they will solely be a quarantine facility. Hence the reason for all the workmen present doing big renovations that will benefit both humans and dogs in its space and practicality.
Just another 8 days, the big escape for the dogs is on the 30th. I cant wait so see the girls reaction from being locked up in kennels for 30 days to being aloud to come out of the door! And then their reaction to getting out of the car and having the run of our huge garden with large sloping grass land. I’m sure Tieka will bark her lungs out with joy!!!
There is still much to do at home. The vinyl that I ordered is European but fortunately a piece big enough to do my new home was available in Australia. Unfortunately there wasn’t a container on its was for a while so the floor will not be ready before the dogs arrive. Also the kitchen is not a kitchen. Oh well then we “have to” eat dinners with my brother and sister-in-law. I rather enjoy that so its no big sacrifice.
I only hope that the container from Holland with all my worldly possessions will be delayed. If it arrives before the vinyl is laid it will be a bit of a pain in the butt. Oh well what will be will be.
Getting here was sort of a miracle. Many organizing things went wrong but finally sorted themselves. The worst being the dates for the dogs transport being changed at the last moment and my hand bag with our flight tickets and passport being packed three quarters down the 22 cubic meter container destined for NZ was pretty exciting. I ask you, what man in his right mind picks up a woman’s hand bag let alone pack it away in a box? The container was emptied and the hand bag was found. Someone mentioned that such bizarre things could only happen to me LOL
On the day of the flight it was wonderful to see how many people came to send us off. I didn’t expect that at all as in the weeks before I had said my goodbyes to nearly everyone. I was proud that people would take the time to come to the surprise parties friends had organized for me. The extra attention at the airport was the icing on the cake.
The flight was excellent. It had its not so nice moments too. With out me knowing my 83 year old mother had packed a fork, knife and a spoon in her cabin bag as a last minute thing because it was part of a set she got from her sister as a wedding present and were forgotten to be packed with the rest. The fact that these things are not aloud in planes these days didn’t cross her mind. Thankfully the customs people thought it rather cute and let us though. Then the arrival in NZ had its exciting moment as my mother again without thinking had placed a banana in her handbag to eat later. But bringing in fruit, drugs and sex magazines into NZ is totally taboo. So we groveled and pleaded it was all a mistake and after getting a big scolding we were fortunately let in to NZ and told never to do it again.
Tomorrow we are off to the girls again. It is situated on the outskirts of a small town called Pokeno, approximately 70 minute drive. I take a big assortment of raw food for the dogs with me. They love all the goodies that come out of it and are totally roly-poly by the time we leave. On the way home we go into the 5 shop strong town to get a world famous huge Pokeno 2 scoop ice cream and buy a kilo Pokeno pork sausages for on the BBQ.
Sorry that its been so long but I hope this update has helped a little with the lack of news. More to follow…. Esp photos.
Ps I have the same email address . My mobile has changed and is now 027 5888988. Land code being 0064 and drop the 0 before the 27.
The girly dogs all arrived safe in NZ an hour later than expected and greeted Robyn (who is the quarantine kennel owner) and the customs people just as happily as they did visitors that come to our house. Kiwi was apparently the biggest hit with the customs men. Yes well, this was to be expected as any self respecting butch NZ man cant possibly go gaga over little curly coated Lagotti LOL..
To all our amazement all 5 girls hadn’t weeed or poepied in their crates so no guesses as to what the first action was of the girls once released.
Every 2 or 3 days I go see the dogs that are still in quarantine. They are doing very well. The first 2 visits they would try do come with us when we left. But after that when we left them they stayed back looking resigned to their prison sentence.
The owner Robyn is a super nice animal loving lady, an opinion not only shared by myself but also the dogs. They react with happy enthusiasm when Robyn and/or her daughters, who work there too, come and have a natter while we sit and cuddle the dogs. The reaction is quite different should one of the work men attempt to walk past the kennels. They bark like mad looking ever so pleased with themselves that their attempts at being guard dogs is working so well.
The quarantine place is also boarding kennels for NZ dogs and cats who’s owners are on holiday but this service will be stopped at the end of this month and they will solely be a quarantine facility. Hence the reason for all the workmen present doing big renovations that will benefit both humans and dogs in its space and practicality.
Just another 8 days, the big escape for the dogs is on the 30th. I cant wait so see the girls reaction from being locked up in kennels for 30 days to being aloud to come out of the door! And then their reaction to getting out of the car and having the run of our huge garden with large sloping grass land. I’m sure Tieka will bark her lungs out with joy!!!
There is still much to do at home. The vinyl that I ordered is European but fortunately a piece big enough to do my new home was available in Australia. Unfortunately there wasn’t a container on its was for a while so the floor will not be ready before the dogs arrive. Also the kitchen is not a kitchen. Oh well then we “have to” eat dinners with my brother and sister-in-law. I rather enjoy that so its no big sacrifice.
I only hope that the container from Holland with all my worldly possessions will be delayed. If it arrives before the vinyl is laid it will be a bit of a pain in the butt. Oh well what will be will be.
Getting here was sort of a miracle. Many organizing things went wrong but finally sorted themselves. The worst being the dates for the dogs transport being changed at the last moment and my hand bag with our flight tickets and passport being packed three quarters down the 22 cubic meter container destined for NZ was pretty exciting. I ask you, what man in his right mind picks up a woman’s hand bag let alone pack it away in a box? The container was emptied and the hand bag was found. Someone mentioned that such bizarre things could only happen to me LOL

The flight was excellent. It had its not so nice moments too. With out me knowing my 83 year old mother had packed a fork, knife and a spoon in her cabin bag as a last minute thing because it was part of a set she got from her sister as a wedding present and were forgotten to be packed with the rest. The fact that these things are not aloud in planes these days didn’t cross her mind. Thankfully the customs people thought it rather cute and let us though. Then the arrival in NZ had its exciting moment as my mother again without thinking had placed a banana in her handbag to eat later. But bringing in fruit, drugs and sex magazines into NZ is totally taboo. So we groveled and pleaded it was all a mistake and after getting a big scolding we were fortunately let in to NZ and told never to do it again.
Tomorrow we are off to the girls again. It is situated on the outskirts of a small town called Pokeno, approximately 70 minute drive. I take a big assortment of raw food for the dogs with me. They love all the goodies that come out of it and are totally roly-poly by the time we leave. On the way home we go into the 5 shop strong town to get a world famous huge Pokeno 2 scoop ice cream and buy a kilo Pokeno pork sausages for on the BBQ.
Sorry that its been so long but I hope this update has helped a little with the lack of news. More to follow…. Esp photos.
Ps I have the same email address . My mobile has changed and is now 027 5888988. Land code being 0064 and drop the 0 before the 27.
Hello Susanne
I wish you good luck over there in NZ. I love to read moer about your living in NZ. I hope your doggies will soon again with you. Give them a lot of kisses from me.
Maria Kremers, who came with Angelique to got Rowi.
Greetings to you and your mom. see our fotowebsite:
Hello Suzanne
I'm glad too hear that everything went well with your trip and also with the dogs. It will be exiting too have them home at the 30. Here everything is going fine with Rowi and Layca I will send you later today pictures on your e-mail adres.
Give the dogs a hug and a lot of kisses when you are going to visit. And please send your mom my loves.
greetings from Angelique Layca and Rowi
Hoi Suzanne,
Leuk om weer iets te kunnen lezen over jou en je honden. Fijn dat het allemaal zo goed gaat. En het is nu zo de 30ste!!! En dan partytime.......
Wij gaan as zondag wandelen met de club bij mijn KC Delft. Zie ik Rita ook weer, gezellig.
Dikke knuf voor je hondenfamilie en xxxx voor jou,
Els en Cash
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