Life never takes the coarse you think its going to take. It just throws obstacles and opportunities in front of your feet and you of coarse deal with them as they come.
It is a lazy Sunday morning as I sit and type this in the comfort of my bed. I promised myself a lay in but I am too restless to sleep so typing a long awaited update is time better spent.
Next to the bed Kiwi is in deep sleep and dreaming. Her breathing a little erratic and her paws slightly twitching as she dreams. And then she is quiet again, she must have dealt with whatever she was doing in her sleep.
On the bed next to me lay 4 Lagotti girls bunched up together enjoying the sleep in too. Rowi changed her position to come and lay hard against me and the laptop knowing that’s the best position for the occasional massage as I sit and think how to put something in to words.
Total peace while it just started to rain outside making the lazy Sunday sleep in complete.
I have big news, perhaps the main reason for my unrest at the moment…..
2 weeks ago I received an email from Marcia, a friend from England. She is an Estrela lover, a breeder, and has a half sister of Kiwi all making our bond in life despite the distance greater.
She wrote that the Estrela club in England had received an email from Sue who works for a dog sanctuary in Australia. An Estrela had been surrendered to then and after having done their homework exceedingly well they realised this was not a breed to be placed with just anybody. It’s a breed not for the faint hearted and finding someone with experience with this kind of breed was their preference.
So the question was if they knew anyone in Aussie that fitted their search description, and in turn Marcia asked me if I knew the same.
Well I do know a family in Perth (where Saki the Estela is now residing) but they are not really “doggy people”, at least not for an Estrela kind of dog, so the answer for Aussie contacts was no.
But I did know someone that was down under only on a different island… ME!
I cant explain it but immediately when reading “Sakis plight email” I felt a bond and wanted to rescue him.
I let my sister-in-law read the email and she had the same reaction and then with out a word we let my brother read the email who said “so I guess we have to save Saki”. With a huge grin on my face I said “I didn’t suggest that” and immediately Kate said “nether did I!”
“you woman are all the same, I knew that you were setting me up” Bill said as we all sat laughing knowing what our next mission in life was.
And so it came that for the past 2 weeks I have been emailing with the Estrela emailing group for any information about Saki. At the same time swapping a lot of emails with the Aussie dog sanctuary full of information of who we are, how we live and what sort of family Saki would come into. And with dog transport companies how his eventual transport would have to be done.
It was a first for the dog sanctuary to have an adoption application form overseas so the committee had to gather to discuss this and fortunately finally late Friday evening the finale verdict was announced and they are happy to send Saki over!!!
About Saki.
He is a year old and has already experienced more than the average dog in a whole life.
His owners emigrated with him and family from England to Aussie when he was about 10 or a 11 months. Then he would have spent a month in quarantine. I don’t know how that was arraigned. Whether his owners could/would have visited him often?
After he came out of quarantine he spent a short time at his owners place before being surrendered to the dog sanctuary. We can only assume he did not do well in their back yard (he was an “outside dog” in England so no doubt in Aussie too) digging large wholes to get to cooler soil and barking loudly as Estrelas can do so well. The city of Perth was not prepared for such a dog. Not to mention the hot temperatures that he would not have been able to avoid in a “small” suburban garden.
When brought into the dog sanctuary they had to shave him as his coat was extremely thick and matted so brushing was not an option. His owners were obviously having a hard time with this emigration. Thus the next photos to show you our handsome short coated boy who when his coat comes back will look exactly like Kiwi! I think that is rather cute, people will perhaps think them brother and sister :-)

Thank you so much for your email and the offer of sponsorship to get Saki to Suzanne in NZ.
It is a lazy Sunday morning as I sit and type this in the comfort of my bed. I promised myself a lay in but I am too restless to sleep so typing a long awaited update is time better spent.
Next to the bed Kiwi is in deep sleep and dreaming. Her breathing a little erratic and her paws slightly twitching as she dreams. And then she is quiet again, she must have dealt with whatever she was doing in her sleep.
On the bed next to me lay 4 Lagotti girls bunched up together enjoying the sleep in too. Rowi changed her position to come and lay hard against me and the laptop knowing that’s the best position for the occasional massage as I sit and think how to put something in to words.
Total peace while it just started to rain outside making the lazy Sunday sleep in complete.
I have big news, perhaps the main reason for my unrest at the moment…..
2 weeks ago I received an email from Marcia, a friend from England. She is an Estrela lover, a breeder, and has a half sister of Kiwi all making our bond in life despite the distance greater.
She wrote that the Estrela club in England had received an email from Sue who works for a dog sanctuary in Australia. An Estrela had been surrendered to then and after having done their homework exceedingly well they realised this was not a breed to be placed with just anybody. It’s a breed not for the faint hearted and finding someone with experience with this kind of breed was their preference.
So the question was if they knew anyone in Aussie that fitted their search description, and in turn Marcia asked me if I knew the same.
Well I do know a family in Perth (where Saki the Estela is now residing) but they are not really “doggy people”, at least not for an Estrela kind of dog, so the answer for Aussie contacts was no.
But I did know someone that was down under only on a different island… ME!
I cant explain it but immediately when reading “Sakis plight email” I felt a bond and wanted to rescue him.
I let my sister-in-law read the email and she had the same reaction and then with out a word we let my brother read the email who said “so I guess we have to save Saki”. With a huge grin on my face I said “I didn’t suggest that” and immediately Kate said “nether did I!”
“you woman are all the same, I knew that you were setting me up” Bill said as we all sat laughing knowing what our next mission in life was.
And so it came that for the past 2 weeks I have been emailing with the Estrela emailing group for any information about Saki. At the same time swapping a lot of emails with the Aussie dog sanctuary full of information of who we are, how we live and what sort of family Saki would come into. And with dog transport companies how his eventual transport would have to be done.
It was a first for the dog sanctuary to have an adoption application form overseas so the committee had to gather to discuss this and fortunately finally late Friday evening the finale verdict was announced and they are happy to send Saki over!!!
About Saki.
He is a year old and has already experienced more than the average dog in a whole life.
His owners emigrated with him and family from England to Aussie when he was about 10 or a 11 months. Then he would have spent a month in quarantine. I don’t know how that was arraigned. Whether his owners could/would have visited him often?
After he came out of quarantine he spent a short time at his owners place before being surrendered to the dog sanctuary. We can only assume he did not do well in their back yard (he was an “outside dog” in England so no doubt in Aussie too) digging large wholes to get to cooler soil and barking loudly as Estrelas can do so well. The city of Perth was not prepared for such a dog. Not to mention the hot temperatures that he would not have been able to avoid in a “small” suburban garden.
When brought into the dog sanctuary they had to shave him as his coat was extremely thick and matted so brushing was not an option. His owners were obviously having a hard time with this emigration. Thus the next photos to show you our handsome short coated boy who when his coat comes back will look exactly like Kiwi! I think that is rather cute, people will perhaps think them brother and sister :-)
The cost to fly young Saki over was rather a surprise. For a “mere” 2500 Australian dollars we can get him here. Not a small amount that has come at a time that I also just spent enormous amounts to get my family over from the Netherlands to NZ.
So with some profound blushing (and most of you know how well I can turn a lovely shade for red) I would like to appeal to you to make a donation to “get Saki home”. I include an email Sue’s sent how you can do this. The money goes directly to the dog sanctuary so as to keep things nice and clean. Every dollar helps and I thank you from the bottom of my and Saki’s heart for your help
So with some profound blushing (and most of you know how well I can turn a lovely shade for red) I would like to appeal to you to make a donation to “get Saki home”. I include an email Sue’s sent how you can do this. The money goes directly to the dog sanctuary so as to keep things nice and clean. Every dollar helps and I thank you from the bottom of my and Saki’s heart for your help
Hi Ellen
Thank you so much for your email and the offer of sponsorship to get Saki to Suzanne in NZ.
If you are able to help with our fundraising to ship him over that would be absolutely wonderful.
We receive no government support at all and rely entirely on community support and our own fundraising efforts to meet our costs and as you would appreciate there is never enough money to go around.
We do have a secure donation link on our web-site - - and if you own a Visa or Mastercard credit card you can make a donation there. If you are able to do that and then send me an email saying that you have made a donation, I shall make sure that the amount you have donated goes towards Saki's transport and not anything else.
Or alternatively you can print out a donation slip and mail it to us with a donation and just write on it that the donation is for Saki's travel.
I'm sorry that we aren't more sophisticated than that but our web skills are a little lacking and we have not had such a situation before - it will spur me on to upgrading our web-site however to make donations for special purposes easier.
Thanks again Ellen for your interest and for your support.
best regards
Sue Leitch
General Manager
Dogs' Refuge Home (WA) Inc
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