Hi all
Time for another update on Saki.
He is still doing great and starting to show his true colours LOL. He is a lovely boy but boys being boys he every now and then wants to show off to other boys. We are nipping that behaviour in the bud ;-)
I take him to obedience every week along with my brother and sister-in-law who train with 2 other dogs.
Saki is actually very good when I have extremely smelly treats with me. After all I’m competing with a typical Estrela character and rabbit poops.
Our trainer likes to give us a difficult time so I get to train Saki to be nice to the annoying badly behaving Dalmatian rather than avoiding the situation. I am rather pleased he pushes me to do this, if things go wrong there is the place to be eh. Up till now its gone well. Like I said Saki really is a good boy and very willing to do his best to behave. Although I don’t allow him to “correct” the Dalmatian I totally understand why he reacts to this dog hahaha.
He has really blossomed. I wish you all could just pop over and see him. I’m so proud of him!!!
Everyone who meets him falls in love with him. He has such an amazing expressive head (although looking a bit dopy in photos) that always attracts much attention when I take him out. For the last month I have been travelling 3 times a week to the dog quarantine visiting my last 3 dogs that could not move to NZ with us earlier.
Depending on the humans that stay home on that day I take Saki or Kiwi or both with me. They are excellent waiting in the car, thank goodness its winter. On the way home we go to a small town and have lunch. If its not raining we sit outside so the dogs can sit with us. Saki and Kiwi love that and we become unintentional tourist attractions :-).
That’s me in photo below so you can get an idea who I am if you dont already know me. I hate photos of myself so count yourself lucky LOL.
Saki’s coat is finally coming though now but still looks a little like a big dog with a bad skin disease hahaha
Kiwi LOVES Saki! She is like his mother and even if he is trying to mouth her she will patiently ignore him and lick his eyes and muzzle cleaning him prim and proper. But she will also play and fight with him with a vengeance. In the garden she runs circles around him with a big smile on her face, its so funny. And if he doesn’t come into action she will nip his hocks and butt till shes got him on the move. They run around the garden and though the bush, Saki barking out loudly his frustration that Kiwi is still fitter and faster than himself. Then they are laying on the ground together play fighting or just “kissing” each other. Its true love.
And my goodness he is so sociable! He loves to be where we are. While sitting in the chair with wheals under it typing emails he risks his own life to be close by lying behind it. I’d class that at the top point of loyalty :-))). Sure has made me look before I roll!
So you see we are still very very pleased to have this most grateful smiley boy in our lives.
Best wishes to all Saki lovers!
Suzanne and Saki

Time for another update on Saki.
He is still doing great and starting to show his true colours LOL. He is a lovely boy but boys being boys he every now and then wants to show off to other boys. We are nipping that behaviour in the bud ;-)
I take him to obedience every week along with my brother and sister-in-law who train with 2 other dogs.
Saki is actually very good when I have extremely smelly treats with me. After all I’m competing with a typical Estrela character and rabbit poops.
Our trainer likes to give us a difficult time so I get to train Saki to be nice to the annoying badly behaving Dalmatian rather than avoiding the situation. I am rather pleased he pushes me to do this, if things go wrong there is the place to be eh. Up till now its gone well. Like I said Saki really is a good boy and very willing to do his best to behave. Although I don’t allow him to “correct” the Dalmatian I totally understand why he reacts to this dog hahaha.
He has really blossomed. I wish you all could just pop over and see him. I’m so proud of him!!!
Everyone who meets him falls in love with him. He has such an amazing expressive head (although looking a bit dopy in photos) that always attracts much attention when I take him out. For the last month I have been travelling 3 times a week to the dog quarantine visiting my last 3 dogs that could not move to NZ with us earlier.
Depending on the humans that stay home on that day I take Saki or Kiwi or both with me. They are excellent waiting in the car, thank goodness its winter. On the way home we go to a small town and have lunch. If its not raining we sit outside so the dogs can sit with us. Saki and Kiwi love that and we become unintentional tourist attractions :-).
That’s me in photo below so you can get an idea who I am if you dont already know me. I hate photos of myself so count yourself lucky LOL.
Saki’s coat is finally coming though now but still looks a little like a big dog with a bad skin disease hahaha
Kiwi LOVES Saki! She is like his mother and even if he is trying to mouth her she will patiently ignore him and lick his eyes and muzzle cleaning him prim and proper. But she will also play and fight with him with a vengeance. In the garden she runs circles around him with a big smile on her face, its so funny. And if he doesn’t come into action she will nip his hocks and butt till shes got him on the move. They run around the garden and though the bush, Saki barking out loudly his frustration that Kiwi is still fitter and faster than himself. Then they are laying on the ground together play fighting or just “kissing” each other. Its true love.
And my goodness he is so sociable! He loves to be where we are. While sitting in the chair with wheals under it typing emails he risks his own life to be close by lying behind it. I’d class that at the top point of loyalty :-))). Sure has made me look before I roll!
So you see we are still very very pleased to have this most grateful smiley boy in our lives.
Best wishes to all Saki lovers!
Suzanne and Saki
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