Today mum, Dora and I went to visit them at the first moment we where aloud to and at 11.15 we found our way though the kennels to find 3 waggy tail dogs.
Somewhat bigger than I left them behind 6 months ago they are looking wonderful and happy and all grown up.
They were very happy to see us but I have no idea if there was also recognition in there enthusiasm.
Tod was quick to “own” me and wasn’t too happy to share me for the moment. Not that I aloud this but Tree and Mint accepted that Tod needed his little moment and went their own merry way to sit and cuddle with “oma” and “auntie Dora”.
Mint and Tree with Auntie Dora
Tod is so handsome, Tree is such a little lady and Mint is as I remembered a long legged happy clown. Siets did a wonderful job with them and I cant say how grateful I am that she took on these 3 energetic pups for me till they could leave to NZ….. x
I made my own photos that I can show you now. Dora made some lovely ones but I wont get them for a few days.
Just like my other dogs had they have got a magnificent view from their kennel. They can experience the weather and go in an out as they please. “Pet haven quarantine kennels” has given their kennels the maximum that the NZ Govt. allows for and the personal caring for the animals is excellent! I’m so glad we choose them to look after the dogs!
Its so nice to finally have my babies in NZ, now its another 29 days before they come home…..
TreeTree eating my left over lunch ;-). Tod pretending to sleep.
Tree looking at the NZ view
Their two sleeping quarters. Mint saying hi to Oma
He dose look goeffy eh, he has such a wonderful carefree character you gotta laugh with him.
Mint laying down. Little Tree coming out of "bed room" and Toddy, he looks lovely and white eh, saying hi to Dora. Oma has an itch ha ha.
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