Monday, January 28, 2008

Time for a good laugh.

Up till now we have had wonderful weather….. except for one day. With Murphy’s law being Murphy’s law this meant that exactly that day we had to clear out our house so the floors would be free for the carpet company. The floors had to be prepared before they can lay the vinyl.
It rained and poured, very windy but not cold. Most things we could keep inside but 2 cupboards, 2 beds, tables and a standing light had to go under the overhanging veranda. With huge plastic covers we covered most keeping it in place with bricks and sticky tape. I must say Bill (my brother) and I did an excellent job and all was still dry a day after.
But we did have one unfortunate storm casualty. A lovely tree which the wild birds seem to really love had fallen down L. Oh well nothing to do about it and someone cut it up into bits small enough to handle.
I was still blissfully unaware what my fate was for today when I woke up.
In the morning I had seen my brother on his lawnmower/mini tractor and thought to myself as he jerked inelegantly into movement how I would do that so much better if I ever got onto such a thing. He parked next to the fallen down tree and I thought nothing of it.
I walked up the garden after being called by Bill to come and help. Cool, I like to work in the garden…
Can you imagine my surprise when I was told to get onto the lawnmower/mini tractor and given a quick lesson how to handle this temperamental little thing that is obviously made for strong men. Getting the thing into gear meant pushing with all your strength on the brake peddle on the left. Getting the thing into gear was exciting, the father to the left the faster it went, and the gear lever needed both hands to wrench it into place. Slowly I lifted the brake that was also the clutch, I’d do it the elegant way ;-). Up and up but it didn’t catch until at nearly the highest point WOSH, head wipped back hard, hold on for dear life on the steering wheel, brother lips moving telling me what to do but what I could not hear because of the sound of the motor and off we went in a steady slow pace with a huge grin on my face. Gosh this was fun, bloody scary but really fun!
The garden isn’t flat. It is really quite steep, esp. when perched on a lawnmower/mini tractor with the knowledge that you had to “SIT ON THE SIDE OF THE SEAT” when going side ways on a sloop. Thankfully your body naturally steers you to the correct side because if I would have had to think where to sit while driving this new sensation I would have been to late in choosing the right side.
Now I’m sure you have already looked at the flattering photo of me at work. And laugh you may, I did too. It was fun and I’m proud to look like an idiot hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LACHEN IS GEZOND!! Hahaha, ik heb inderdaad even goed gelachen om de foto, maarre je hebt wel een lekkere tuin zeg!!! Niet zo'n ienemini tuintje als wij in Nederland gewend zijn. Heerlijk hoor.
Zondag Rita gezien bij de Lagottowandeling, zei vertelde dat je de hondjes waarschijnlijk een paar dagen eerder mag ophalen, wat een feest. :-))

Neem je snel wat foto's van het hondenspul, ik smacht ernaar om Zanna's dikke buik te zien, of is er nog niets te zien??
Ik dacht heel even dat je Rowi weg had gedaan maar nee, een pupje is naar haar vernoemd, gelukkig maar ik vind haar zo mooi.

Nou Suzanne veel plezier van de week als je de meisjes en de knulletjes gaat ophalen, knuffel ze maar dood, ehhh ik bedoel......

Groetjes, Els en Cash

6:12 AM  

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