Today is another wonderful sunny day and all the pups run throught the house in the garden, back in the house, half in house half playing in garden and then finally falling asleep..... I have Spot on my lap laying like a big dog but being small making it much easier to still be able to type.
The Barf thing is going great!!!! They love everything and are nearly eating whole wings now. In a few days all bones will be eaten too I think.
Yesterday I also gave them 2 chicken legs to keep them quiet for while. Big mistake LOL, I actually had them for Tieka and Zanna and thought that the pups would just chew a little on them and then fall asleep, after all they had had a big breakfast and had played a lot so sleep was in the air so to speak. When I went to check on them they were all fast asleep…. And the chicken legs were totally devoured except for the leg bones!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Pretty naive of me eh.
Yno (Muis), who is the smallest, drags lams bones all around the place. It is so funny to see, he walks really proud, head up high dragging a much to big bones. He is growing so fast, actually getting a bit chubby along with the rest …. Must keep and eye on this.
Spot is not so healthy. She seems to have some neurological thing wrong with her and is not so steady on her legs. Tomorrow I hope to know more. In the mean time even though she has such problems she is so lively. No pain and wants to do everything. She is the pup that is most often "kicked" as she is so fast and gets in front of my feet all the time. My goodness what a will power this little girl has.
Willem (Boxer) is Zanna’s best puppy brother. He loves to follow her and she is very gentle with him, and the rest of coarse. Willem is just a life lover and pesters everyone to play. He often gets into trouble with his mother and siblings because of this. He had a short period of time that he thought to grab the power to be alpha pup, but this didn’t last for long as he was put, in a very undignified way, in his place by almost everyone, even his little sisters. He is so funny, just keeps up the “I’m a big boy” act but wisely rushes away when things look like a fight as reaction is coming.
Youri (ijsbeer) is a big boy!!! He looks more like a golden retriever puppy than a Logotto LOL. He is the thinker of the family. Very wise he is, learns quickly and has a truly remarkable expression.
Oh, he picked a fight with me!!! We spent 2 days playing this game of whos the boss and thankfully I won ROFL. Boy could this little guy get angry, and now he is the calmest little man not having any hang-ups, hes not afraid of anything…. Except for my milkshake mixer this morning hahahaha. He got over that.
Fotomodel is not the cute little quiet girl I first thought she was. She is a bit bossy and everyone has to do what she says, of coarse the rest don’t agree so though luck to her. She is a very pretty little girl and I think she will be spoiled rotten by everyone that sees her.
Gioia (Hertje) is a bit of a looker too. She too isn’t one to lay on her back and give up. I wonder how she will be as Truffle dog. Her new owner will be doing this with her so I hope she has got the sent enough off her mother to know what to look for. I was given a bottle of truffle oil to rub on Tiekas belly to get her/them used to the smell. I must admit I didn’t put it on all the time, but Im sure it was enough. Have you ever smelled that stuff? Pffff really smelly!
Well that’s all 6 puppies. They are all very lovely.
Since 4 and a half weeks the weather has been great and they have been doing much of their business outside. At 0715 in the morning I go down stairs and let them out to wee and poeh out side. Such cleaver babies. Any later and they couldn’t wait any longer and I have to do a bit of extra cleaning up.
I think I will get the bench down today, I rather keep them in the whelping box for as long as possible, but this morning Yno (of all the pups!) had escaped and was yelling to be let back in. I cant trust them in their anymore and don’t want them rushing around when I’m not there. Pity, don’t like the bench much but haven’t much chose with 6 puppies. Oh well they only spend the night in it and during the day only times that Im not at home, I have to walk the dogs some time and do some shopping. But it wont be a problem for them I don’t think, throw in a few chicky wings and they have plenty to do till they drop off to sleep for a while.
The Barf thing is going great!!!! They love everything and are nearly eating whole wings now. In a few days all bones will be eaten too I think.
Yesterday I also gave them 2 chicken legs to keep them quiet for while. Big mistake LOL, I actually had them for Tieka and Zanna and thought that the pups would just chew a little on them and then fall asleep, after all they had had a big breakfast and had played a lot so sleep was in the air so to speak. When I went to check on them they were all fast asleep…. And the chicken legs were totally devoured except for the leg bones!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Pretty naive of me eh.
Yno (Muis), who is the smallest, drags lams bones all around the place. It is so funny to see, he walks really proud, head up high dragging a much to big bones. He is growing so fast, actually getting a bit chubby along with the rest …. Must keep and eye on this.
Spot is not so healthy. She seems to have some neurological thing wrong with her and is not so steady on her legs. Tomorrow I hope to know more. In the mean time even though she has such problems she is so lively. No pain and wants to do everything. She is the pup that is most often "kicked" as she is so fast and gets in front of my feet all the time. My goodness what a will power this little girl has.
Willem (Boxer) is Zanna’s best puppy brother. He loves to follow her and she is very gentle with him, and the rest of coarse. Willem is just a life lover and pesters everyone to play. He often gets into trouble with his mother and siblings because of this. He had a short period of time that he thought to grab the power to be alpha pup, but this didn’t last for long as he was put, in a very undignified way, in his place by almost everyone, even his little sisters. He is so funny, just keeps up the “I’m a big boy” act but wisely rushes away when things look like a fight as reaction is coming.
Youri (ijsbeer) is a big boy!!! He looks more like a golden retriever puppy than a Logotto LOL. He is the thinker of the family. Very wise he is, learns quickly and has a truly remarkable expression.
Oh, he picked a fight with me!!! We spent 2 days playing this game of whos the boss and thankfully I won ROFL. Boy could this little guy get angry, and now he is the calmest little man not having any hang-ups, hes not afraid of anything…. Except for my milkshake mixer this morning hahahaha. He got over that.
Fotomodel is not the cute little quiet girl I first thought she was. She is a bit bossy and everyone has to do what she says, of coarse the rest don’t agree so though luck to her. She is a very pretty little girl and I think she will be spoiled rotten by everyone that sees her.
Gioia (Hertje) is a bit of a looker too. She too isn’t one to lay on her back and give up. I wonder how she will be as Truffle dog. Her new owner will be doing this with her so I hope she has got the sent enough off her mother to know what to look for. I was given a bottle of truffle oil to rub on Tiekas belly to get her/them used to the smell. I must admit I didn’t put it on all the time, but Im sure it was enough. Have you ever smelled that stuff? Pffff really smelly!
Well that’s all 6 puppies. They are all very lovely.
Since 4 and a half weeks the weather has been great and they have been doing much of their business outside. At 0715 in the morning I go down stairs and let them out to wee and poeh out side. Such cleaver babies. Any later and they couldn’t wait any longer and I have to do a bit of extra cleaning up.
I think I will get the bench down today, I rather keep them in the whelping box for as long as possible, but this morning Yno (of all the pups!) had escaped and was yelling to be let back in. I cant trust them in their anymore and don’t want them rushing around when I’m not there. Pity, don’t like the bench much but haven’t much chose with 6 puppies. Oh well they only spend the night in it and during the day only times that Im not at home, I have to walk the dogs some time and do some shopping. But it wont be a problem for them I don’t think, throw in a few chicky wings and they have plenty to do till they drop off to sleep for a while.
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