Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Its funny to see how different Zanna is pregnant than Tieka was.

Tieka seemed to carry her puppies outwards, so looking from above he had a bulging tummy.

Zanna seems to be carrying her pups below her. If you ask me that’s probably more comfortable ;-) . Zanna used to have a slim figure, looking at her from the side her belly went up so to speak. Now if you look at Zanna from the side she has one straight body from her chest right back to between her back legs.

In Zanna terms she is fairly big, not as big as I expected her to get a few weeks ago as she gained weight much sooner than Tieka did in her pregnancies. Zanna just grows slow at the end I guess.

I think Zanna looks very pregnant, but a lot of people don’t see it as they are used to “normal” dogs just being fat. And that’s how she looks ha ha ha.

But once she lays down there is little doubt about her condition.

She has had a happy pregnancy. A few days halfway though were not so good for her, she was quiet and sleepy. But all the rest of the time she is just as happy and energetic as always. Ok I’ll admit she is a bit slower runner now….

Just a few more days and we will get to see what has been doing all the dancing around inside Zanna. I can see very clearly the puppies moving while watching Zanna sleep, Zanna in her basket, me in my chair.

I’m also very curious what grandma Tieka will think of it all and how she will react to the puppies.


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