I put new batteries in my camera and off we went to pick up the girls.
We parked at Pethaven (quarantine place) and opened all the doors of the car so that it would still be cool when they got into their new “doggie mobile”.
Straight down to the kennels we went. Because the MAF person had come to give the last OK for the release of the girls that day the girls were spread out between 4 kennels. Robyn opened them quickly one after the other and the girls few out esthetic as always to see us. They ran off to the end of the fenced off kennel area where they were sometimes combed and bathed, Kiwi in front. We had left the door to this area and to the outside world open. Kiwi came to a stop, looked with unbelief that the always closed gate was now open and saw her chance to escape and she ran, hopped and skipped to her freedom barking loudly her joy to finally feel anything but contreet under her paws. It was a sight to see. Rowi ran like the wind but fell over her own paws after not being able to have practiced these high speeds for 30 days. Tieka, as we are all used to, barked and wagged her tail like there was no tomorrow and Vaglie and Zanna followed all the others and Im sure I saw them smiling!!!
They jumped into the car with out me asking and checked it out before jumping out again to go and examine the grounds and offices they had been so close to all this time but never aloud to enter.
Finally when the dogs were finished with inspecting and Robyn had given me the necessary papers the girls got into the car again and HOME we went.
Unfortunatly one half of my family wasn’t at our place to see the first reactions of the dogs but did arrive fairly soon after to enjoy.
Well the reaction of the girls was sooooooooooo great. They hurled out of the car running all the way down the garden and back to tell us how cool it all was. They inspected everything. Kiwi was the most through taking her time to check everything, both garden and house, in a calm and methodical manner.
I can truly say they loved it!
We got take aways and had dinner with 12 people and 5 very spoilt girls as they were “being trained” by the younger members of the family and got fish and chips as rewards. I think the girls thought they had died and gone to heaven. They enjoyed all the attention and gladly did any trick asked of them. Even Kiwi lowered her standards of being a stubborn Estrela and preformed.
My brothers dog Rusty (a German shepherd) took it all in her stride. She is such a nice girl. Excellent with other dogs but unfortunately with humans at first standoffish. We wonder what happened to her in her earlier life, she was already fully grown before coming here a year ago. I think the arrival of her new family will do her good as well. Already she is getting cheeky towards the girls, its very funny to see.
Well needless to say the camera didn’t see daylight all day so I personally don’t have photos of the arrival but its not really a thing you can show in a photo anyway.
Now a walk on the beach. That’s the sort of thing that is so much better to show!
Good thing we went to Piha beach the next day eh.
Wow what a beautiful and impressive beach it is. Lions rock is huge, in real life truly a really lovely sight to behold! The road down to Piha is steep and windy and needs all your concentration to drive it safely. Next time Ill get my brother to drive so I can enjoy the magnificent sight on the drive down. Ill also try to get a picture of the view, it really is beautiful!!!
So for now a few photos of us on the beach. The dogs LOVED IT. Oh and we humans did too J
Photos taken by my sister-in-law Kate with her camera. My batteries will last a long time at this rate.

I put new batteries in my camera and off we went to pick up the girls.
We parked at Pethaven (quarantine place) and opened all the doors of the car so that it would still be cool when they got into their new “doggie mobile”.
Straight down to the kennels we went. Because the MAF person had come to give the last OK for the release of the girls that day the girls were spread out between 4 kennels. Robyn opened them quickly one after the other and the girls few out esthetic as always to see us. They ran off to the end of the fenced off kennel area where they were sometimes combed and bathed, Kiwi in front. We had left the door to this area and to the outside world open. Kiwi came to a stop, looked with unbelief that the always closed gate was now open and saw her chance to escape and she ran, hopped and skipped to her freedom barking loudly her joy to finally feel anything but contreet under her paws. It was a sight to see. Rowi ran like the wind but fell over her own paws after not being able to have practiced these high speeds for 30 days. Tieka, as we are all used to, barked and wagged her tail like there was no tomorrow and Vaglie and Zanna followed all the others and Im sure I saw them smiling!!!
They jumped into the car with out me asking and checked it out before jumping out again to go and examine the grounds and offices they had been so close to all this time but never aloud to enter.
Finally when the dogs were finished with inspecting and Robyn had given me the necessary papers the girls got into the car again and HOME we went.
Unfortunatly one half of my family wasn’t at our place to see the first reactions of the dogs but did arrive fairly soon after to enjoy.
Well the reaction of the girls was sooooooooooo great. They hurled out of the car running all the way down the garden and back to tell us how cool it all was. They inspected everything. Kiwi was the most through taking her time to check everything, both garden and house, in a calm and methodical manner.
I can truly say they loved it!
We got take aways and had dinner with 12 people and 5 very spoilt girls as they were “being trained” by the younger members of the family and got fish and chips as rewards. I think the girls thought they had died and gone to heaven. They enjoyed all the attention and gladly did any trick asked of them. Even Kiwi lowered her standards of being a stubborn Estrela and preformed.
My brothers dog Rusty (a German shepherd) took it all in her stride. She is such a nice girl. Excellent with other dogs but unfortunately with humans at first standoffish. We wonder what happened to her in her earlier life, she was already fully grown before coming here a year ago. I think the arrival of her new family will do her good as well. Already she is getting cheeky towards the girls, its very funny to see.
Well needless to say the camera didn’t see daylight all day so I personally don’t have photos of the arrival but its not really a thing you can show in a photo anyway.
Now a walk on the beach. That’s the sort of thing that is so much better to show!
Good thing we went to Piha beach the next day eh.
Wow what a beautiful and impressive beach it is. Lions rock is huge, in real life truly a really lovely sight to behold! The road down to Piha is steep and windy and needs all your concentration to drive it safely. Next time Ill get my brother to drive so I can enjoy the magnificent sight on the drive down. Ill also try to get a picture of the view, it really is beautiful!!!
So for now a few photos of us on the beach. The dogs LOVED IT. Oh and we humans did too J
Photos taken by my sister-in-law Kate with her camera. My batteries will last a long time at this rate.

Kijk ze eens genieten van de zee, heerlijk voor ze. haha Cash stond vanmorgen ook in de zee, dus op een bepaalde manier staan we toch via het water met elkaar in verbinding ;-))
En jij Suzanne, ik zie gewoon dat het goed gaat met je, lekere bruine schouders!!! Ik geloof niet dat ik je ooit in een rok heb gezien, heerlijk zo zomers.
Geniet ervan xxx, Cash en Els
Ziet er goed uit daar. Honden zijn weer bij joul. Geniet er maar mooi van...
groetjes bemy
Moeders gaat uit wandelen :) Gedragen ze zich een beetje in de nieuwe omgeving?
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