The girls are having a wonderful time with there new life. Every day we go for walks in parks or beaches. And when at home they have a huge garden to play in and a wonderful piece of private bush to spend many hours of searching in.

It’s a hilly garden so the rabbits that are busy at the bottom of the garden cant be seen from the top of the garden till coming round the top garden corner. When the dogs, esp. Kiwi and Vaglie, see them they hurtle down the sloop but by then the rabbits (usually 3 cute little black ones) have had plenty of time to escape. Kiwi and Vaglie spend ages snuffing out the bunny tracks and trying to dig out their holes.
A few days ago they found the rabbits ultimate safe haven. It was a +/- 10 meter long 15 cm in diameter flexible drainage pipe. It had never been in use and was dumped in the bush for safe keeping. It wasn’t an eye saw because it was quickly overgrown by plants. One end of it started at the bush edge and the other end some where in the bush.

Well this was just unbearable for Kiwi and Vaglie. A hole in the ground posed a fare challenge but a hard plastic drainage pipe was down right impossible to penetrate and thus completely frustrating! And boy did Kiwi let us know. A normally quite girl Kiwi now barked so hard, and if I had of let her so long, that we would have been put out of the country again for unsociable behavior. Down the garden I had to go to collect her and bring her up to the house.
A while later I let her go and unfortunately for me her “elephant brain” hadn’t forgotten her mission in life in NZ and WOOSSSSH down the garden she ran again in hot pursuit of the rabbits that simply went and hid in their nice black hiding place. Again Kiwi was bouncing around the pipe wagging her whole body with every bit of energy she had and barking as loud that her lung capacity would let her. Yelling at her would have been a total waste of time so down I walked again, this time with a leash in hand as that walked a lot more comfortable than having to hold her collar. She certainly wasn’t going to come up with me without a protest and bending her head to the ground to make holding her collar a lot more difficult than when she walked willingly. She is a cleaver cookie.
Next day and all was quiet during the day. The bunnies come out in the late afternoon so then the fun would start again. Hmmm I didn’t fancy doing the same thing every evening so after a talk with my brother Bill we agreed the pipe had to go.
Bill drove down the garden with his 4 weal drive and a long rope. The pipe wasn’t very heavy but by now it was lodged into place by all the plants

Kiwi and co. rushed down to help uncle Billy

Rope tied and Bill pulled the pipe out fairly effortlessly and very much to the surprise of the mighty hunters.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr let me help you Bill” you could hear Vaglie thinking as she tried to rip open the offending pipe. We (well actually Bill cos I had the excuse that I had to take photos rather than risk my life at being close to some escaping animal. It could just as easily be a rat.) had shaken the pipe to make sure nothing was in it so Vaglie was quite safe.

It took a few attempts to get the car up the hill, it really is quite steep. But once he finally got just the right spot and tempo the car rushed up the hill dragging the pipe that then started making the most amazing nose!!!! Well this was fantastic and the ALL the dogs booted up the hill in hot pursuit of the now “singing pipe” having SOOOO MUCH FUN!

Well that was all yesterday so today we had a nice quiet day and expect to have that until………….. until they find the other piece pipe hidden a little deeper in the bush ;-)
It’s a hilly garden so the rabbits that are busy at the bottom of the garden cant be seen from the top of the garden till coming round the top garden corner. When the dogs, esp. Kiwi and Vaglie, see them they hurtle down the sloop but by then the rabbits (usually 3 cute little black ones) have had plenty of time to escape. Kiwi and Vaglie spend ages snuffing out the bunny tracks and trying to dig out their holes.
A few days ago they found the rabbits ultimate safe haven. It was a +/- 10 meter long 15 cm in diameter flexible drainage pipe. It had never been in use and was dumped in the bush for safe keeping. It wasn’t an eye saw because it was quickly overgrown by plants. One end of it started at the bush edge and the other end some where in the bush.

Well this was just unbearable for Kiwi and Vaglie. A hole in the ground posed a fare challenge but a hard plastic drainage pipe was down right impossible to penetrate and thus completely frustrating! And boy did Kiwi let us know. A normally quite girl Kiwi now barked so hard, and if I had of let her so long, that we would have been put out of the country again for unsociable behavior. Down the garden I had to go to collect her and bring her up to the house.
A while later I let her go and unfortunately for me her “elephant brain” hadn’t forgotten her mission in life in NZ and WOOSSSSH down the garden she ran again in hot pursuit of the rabbits that simply went and hid in their nice black hiding place. Again Kiwi was bouncing around the pipe wagging her whole body with every bit of energy she had and barking as loud that her lung capacity would let her. Yelling at her would have been a total waste of time so down I walked again, this time with a leash in hand as that walked a lot more comfortable than having to hold her collar. She certainly wasn’t going to come up with me without a protest and bending her head to the ground to make holding her collar a lot more difficult than when she walked willingly. She is a cleaver cookie.
Next day and all was quiet during the day. The bunnies come out in the late afternoon so then the fun would start again. Hmmm I didn’t fancy doing the same thing every evening so after a talk with my brother Bill we agreed the pipe had to go.
Bill drove down the garden with his 4 weal drive and a long rope. The pipe wasn’t very heavy but by now it was lodged into place by all the plants

Kiwi and co. rushed down to help uncle Billy

Rope tied and Bill pulled the pipe out fairly effortlessly and very much to the surprise of the mighty hunters.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr let me help you Bill” you could hear Vaglie thinking as she tried to rip open the offending pipe. We (well actually Bill cos I had the excuse that I had to take photos rather than risk my life at being close to some escaping animal. It could just as easily be a rat.) had shaken the pipe to make sure nothing was in it so Vaglie was quite safe.

It took a few attempts to get the car up the hill, it really is quite steep. But once he finally got just the right spot and tempo the car rushed up the hill dragging the pipe that then started making the most amazing nose!!!! Well this was fantastic and the ALL the dogs booted up the hill in hot pursuit of the now “singing pipe” having SOOOO MUCH FUN!

De dames houden je aardig bezig. Nu zie ik pas dat het een aardige lap grond is waar je woont. Relaxed hoor.
Whaaaa, en dat noem je een tuin!!! Het is een compleet landgoed!! Ik liet het aan Cash zien en hij werd helemaal depri, waarom wij niet zo'n "tuin" hebben.
Het wordt al weer aardig spannend met Zanna, nog twee weekjes, wat gaat de tijd toch snel.
xxx, Cash en Els
Dat schiet al op zeg, 20 febr. Jammer dat ik ze niet in het echie kan bewonderen straks.
XXX rita
Hey Suzanne, weet je dat je gastenboek het ook weer doet :-))
Groetjes, Els
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