Well that was short and sweet.... 1 boy. But like I said very cute!!!
Good thing we have lots of dogs for this little guy to "dog socialise" with ;-)
He is the splitting image of Rowi, my youngest girl that I have here in NZ. Even the white markings are the same!!!
Zanna is content as can be. She will have an easy time but will have to miss out on being able to “pig out” or she will be making much to much milk.
Oh this little boy is going to be soooooooo spoilt!!!
Having made NZ 1 Lagotto richer we look to the future LOL.
Good thing we have lots of dogs for this little guy to "dog socialise" with ;-)
He is the splitting image of Rowi, my youngest girl that I have here in NZ. Even the white markings are the same!!!
Zanna is content as can be. She will have an easy time but will have to miss out on being able to “pig out” or she will be making much to much milk.
Oh this little boy is going to be soooooooo spoilt!!!
Having made NZ 1 Lagotto richer we look to the future LOL.
Maar 1 pup? Ik dacht dat ze er een hele bups zou krijgen. Deze heeft de keus uit meerdere tappunten. :) Gefeliciteerd.
Congratulations Zanna and Suzanne. The first Lagotto to be born in NZ and I'm sure the Dad of many more to come. Especially since he is Saturday's child!! cheers Takahoa Kennels
Hoi Suus,
de foto nog een keertje (en nog een keertje) goed bekeken en inderdaad een knappe jongen. En als hij straks ook nog op Rowi lijkt wordt hij een echte hartenbreker.
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