This is Nina, one of the girls from Zanna’s first litter.
She just got back from holiday in Austria. Below a few pictures to prove she was in the mountains.
Her owners keep her in lovely shape so in typical Lagotto style Nina never tired and acted as if she spent every day of her life running for hours in the mountains. When finally back “home” at the end of the day she turned into a true couch potato proving the other side of a typical Lagotto.
Big brave Lagotto meeting “alp cow”

Nina had a special harness on so her owners could hold her while climbing steep mountain ranges. Me thinks Nina looks very professional in her mountain outfit :-).

What can I say, such a lovely photo.
She just got back from holiday in Austria. Below a few pictures to prove she was in the mountains.
Her owners keep her in lovely shape so in typical Lagotto style Nina never tired and acted as if she spent every day of her life running for hours in the mountains. When finally back “home” at the end of the day she turned into a true couch potato proving the other side of a typical Lagotto.
Big brave Lagotto meeting “alp cow”

Nina had a special harness on so her owners could hold her while climbing steep mountain ranges. Me thinks Nina looks very professional in her mountain outfit :-).

What can I say, such a lovely photo.

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