Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Zanna seems to have forgotten that Lagotti are now bred for searching for truffles and not hunting!!!

This morning we were to make a quick walk, the big walk we would do in the afternoon.

But Madam Zanna had other plans. She disappeared for about 20 minutes. That’s not very long if you have an Estrela go on an adventure. But for a Lagotto that is ages!!!

I don’t mind, and actually encourage, if my dogs do things by themselves. But Lagotti are so hard to “get rid of” so I got rather worried after 10 minutes of her not rushing by. I was listening really hard to perhaps hear her cries after getting stuck in a big rabbit hole or something.

And then out of the bushes came one happy Zanna! She looked like she had been running hard the whole time, her tong practically hung on her paws, and she was looking wild, cheeky and very happy. Oh said that all ready but it emphasizes how she was :-)

Oh well no harm done and she was nice and tired so I could go to the market with out feeling guilty.

In the afternoon I had to spend more than an hour picking out, I lie not, more than 200 round sticky weed seeds!!!! She has a good thick coat at the moment so this made it much more fun Ha, ha, ha.

Tonight we have to go to agility. Zanna is still very nervous since she was attacked from behind by Shadow the German shepherd a month ago. It went better 2 weeks after the attack but last week she had a relapse. I must admit it was a bit busy on the field as we all practiced separate hurdles at the same time and Zanna just couldn’t keep an eye out with so many dogs at once. I hope this evening that the teachers have thought of another tactic for Zanna, I just don’t know what to do any more. I act happy and encouraging but she still thinks its no fun any more. A real pity if she doesn’t get over this cos she is so good at it. Maybe Shadow is sick!!! Ops sorry for the naughty and mean thought.

By the way Tieka is actually starting to get faster during agility! I now have the ultimate incentive for her. I make her sit in front of the first jump and then show her, her tennis ball and pop it back into my pocket. This works great!!! She gets the ball at the end of the run ;-)


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