Friday, January 31, 2003

Pfffff yesterday Zanna and I spent an hour in the freezing cold waiting ages. Our doggie class is big so its a lot of waiting before its our turn. Brrrrr…

It’s a real pity we are put in another class than our class mates from last year. Last year we were glad of the waiting time as us girls always had so much to discuss ;-) . As I was waiting with Zanna I saw our old class mates happily go inside for drinks. Their lesson is earlier than Zanna and mine….. lucky things…

Pffff I guess we will get used to our new class mates…. But at this point I am not so happy about it. Some of the people and their dogs are also so annoying. For example I cant understand how a first time owner can go for a Rhodesian ridgeback. Or maybe I mean, how a breeder can let their pups go just like that? Ok, I shouldn’t be so judgmental, but when I see how this dog is just not controlled I can’t stand it….. This poor dog doesn’t know its not supposed to pull on his leash so he dose so continuously, towing his lady master all over the place. Even when they “stand still” he is pulling and she is leaning back thinking things are normal… Of course it’s wonderful that they go to school. Maybe one day they will learn.

Better than some that we meet on walks that don’t do a thing with their dogs and only go on walks in nice weather when it suits the owner….

This reminds me of the time I was walking my dogs with prospective puppy owner Wieke. Tieka thought she had died and gone to heaven as Wieke’s children were also with us. Kids are the best according to Tieka as they will continually play with her, throwing a tennis ball!!! Yes fun, fun, fun.

At one stage we came upon a couple with a golden retriever. Personally I think GR are nice easy breeds to train, but like all dogs you have to be consequent and if you aren’t then they will take advantage of this fact. And this GR was one of the ones that had become boss in house. He was very friendly but he did what he wanted to do and decided that Tieka’s tennis ball was going to be his. He picked it up and his owners said in a rather accusing manner to us “now you won’t ever get it back!”, as if I should have controlled my dogs not to lay a tennis ball on their dog’s path!!!!

And that was that! They gave a half hearted “drop the ball” command to the GR who didn’t blink an eye and …… they were right, we didn’t get our ball back. Well actually we followed them for ages till their dog finally did drop the ball and Tieka made a fast rush and got it back. But it was no thanks to the “owners”.

Some people have no respect for their dogs and don’t take the responsibility by being the “alpha”. Not that I’m such a bossy person (ok, maybe I am LOL), but my dogs do know that they can depend on me to make their live easier by making all the important decisions.

Gosh, when I die I want to come back as a dog with a bossy but fare owner! In human form I couldnt stand it though ROFL.


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