Too busy to post. Gosh always the same no mater what side of the world I am on…..
Now post 2 posts in one go as getting all photos in one bloggy thing got too complicated for my brain.
Dogs are doing great!
Tiki is nearly leaving us to move to his new “van Dyk home”. This will be on Saturday. Gosh he will be missed as he is a puppy that certainly lets his presents be known so it will be awfully quiet when he is gone. I love him to bits, he is the happiest social little dog never showing any sign that he is fazed by anything. Super cute!
Tiki out with the rest not yet winning in the “fetch the ball” competition.
“La la la la laaaaa got me a stick, got me a stick…. No ma its MINE!”
When I first came home with my 25 kilos of ostrich bones non of the dogs would touch them! OMG what to do???? So I froze them in for a week or so and started trying again and sure enough one by one the dogs started to like them. Freezing things often dose the trick to make new things taste tastier. Now they are thought of as normal and fresh are ok too.
All love them now and many happy hours are spent chewing. First outside where the meat is totally stripped off them and then the dogs smuggle them inside to be gnawed at for many more happy hours. These bones are honeycombed inside so are very different to 4 legged beastie bones. Being quite a find this luxury item is not cheap but well worth their money.
If you look close you can not only see Vaglie, Zanna, Kiwi and Tieka but also Tiki and Rowi ;-)
First day on the beach for Tiki. First piece of seaweed he ever saw so aunty Vaglie shows its not dangerous.
“look ma I can imitate Lions rock!”
"ohhhhhhhh wait for meeeee...."
Romantic photo

On the way back the girls usually scramble up Lions Rock to search for rabbits. In real life it is very impressive to see as it is very steep! This time only Vaglie and Rowi did the rock climbing. Some where in this photo they are busy but I cant see them so I guess the camera clicked just as they were under some bushes. Well it’s a pretty green picture… and you can see Rusty and Tieka had fun in the sand.

Now post 2 posts in one go as getting all photos in one bloggy thing got too complicated for my brain.
Dogs are doing great!
Tiki is nearly leaving us to move to his new “van Dyk home”. This will be on Saturday. Gosh he will be missed as he is a puppy that certainly lets his presents be known so it will be awfully quiet when he is gone. I love him to bits, he is the happiest social little dog never showing any sign that he is fazed by anything. Super cute!
Tiki out with the rest not yet winning in the “fetch the ball” competition.

All love them now and many happy hours are spent chewing. First outside where the meat is totally stripped off them and then the dogs smuggle them inside to be gnawed at for many more happy hours. These bones are honeycombed inside so are very different to 4 legged beastie bones. Being quite a find this luxury item is not cheap but well worth their money.
If you look close you can not only see Vaglie, Zanna, Kiwi and Tieka but also Tiki and Rowi ;-)

Tiki's first drink from a freash water stream running to the sea.

On the way back the girls usually scramble up Lions Rock to search for rabbits. In real life it is very impressive to see as it is very steep! This time only Vaglie and Rowi did the rock climbing. Some where in this photo they are busy but I cant see them so I guess the camera clicked just as they were under some bushes. Well it’s a pretty green picture… and you can see Rusty and Tieka had fun in the sand.