Yes you are all right. Its about time I updated this blog.
I can begin to say things are going great here! That is really the reason I just haven’t got round to doing the blog thing.
Mint, Tree and Tod came out of quarantine on a beautiful sunny day. And boy where they happy to come home!!!
Mint and Tree live with us while Toddy went to live with a lovely family that he can call his own. I decided it would be better to separate Mint and Toddy as 2 intact boys the same age with 5 intact girls would surly prove to become a nightmare.
Mint was with us for 2 weeks when 4 of the 5 girls came into season so Minty went to stay with my other sister-in-law and brother (who own Tiki, Zanna’s youngest son).
Well Mint loved it! He adores Dora and he gets on wonderfully with Tiki so no missing us I’m sure.
3 weeks later we got our long legged softy back home.
We now have dogs laying everywhere :-). Actually its surprisingly quite considering we have 9 now.
Recapping the dogs here at home:
5 female Lagotti
1 male Lagotto
1 female Estrela
1 male Estrela
And last but not least 1 crazy sweet German Shepherd.
A great family!
As for work.
For me it was important to find something I could do at home so I could stay with my dogs. Many of you will not be surprised to know that my choice fell on promoting and selling raw food for pets.
It was quite by chance that this opportunity crossed my path.
Raw feeding is fairly new here (compared to Holland) but I must say that the beginning here is starting with truly excellent products that I feel really proud to be a part of.
I am not a sales person but raw feeding is my passion and I love to talk about it so I don’t have to be a sales person. All I have to do is preach what I love ;-).
Coming Saturday we will for the first time have a stall at a local organic farmers market. My hope is that this is were the people come that would be interested in going the extra mile to feed their pets raw healthy meals. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have sleepless nights about such an exciting adventure. It’s a big step needing more nerves and money but it is also something that brings big smiles. Who wouldn’t smile doing something they love.
I’m a very lucky person to be given this opportunity.
When I had my “normal” job in Holland I would do things like keep up with my emails and update my blog more regularly in quiet times at work. Now I’m “my own boss” suddenly I don’t seem to have the time LOL. I totter around all day doing dogs, business things, mowing the lawn, bit of house work (yes don’t laugh but I have actually bettered my self even in this area) and just find things to do all day. I think to myself Ill have a cup of tea now, put on the kettle, find another thing to do, put on the kettle again, ops just do that to… yet again put on the kettle, take the dogs out into the garden and find myself sitting with them either just watching them having fun or also at the same time brushing out one of the straight haired dogs…. and it can happen that 3 hours later I finally have that cup of tea. I have yet to be board.
Did I mention how fortunate I am?
I just hope that I will soon be earning money rather than that I have to ride on my brother and sister-in-law’s back and that they in turn can ride on mine :-)
And now finally a photo. This is Vaglie and Mint after doing a bit of gardening. The week before their complete heads and paws were completely packed with I swear was a kilo mud per dog so I was relieved they were not nearly as dirty this time. But to make up for that Zanna later arrived in the same state. Oh well three washed dogs later and all was ok.

I can begin to say things are going great here! That is really the reason I just haven’t got round to doing the blog thing.
Mint, Tree and Tod came out of quarantine on a beautiful sunny day. And boy where they happy to come home!!!
Mint and Tree live with us while Toddy went to live with a lovely family that he can call his own. I decided it would be better to separate Mint and Toddy as 2 intact boys the same age with 5 intact girls would surly prove to become a nightmare.
Mint was with us for 2 weeks when 4 of the 5 girls came into season so Minty went to stay with my other sister-in-law and brother (who own Tiki, Zanna’s youngest son).
Well Mint loved it! He adores Dora and he gets on wonderfully with Tiki so no missing us I’m sure.
3 weeks later we got our long legged softy back home.
We now have dogs laying everywhere :-). Actually its surprisingly quite considering we have 9 now.
Recapping the dogs here at home:
5 female Lagotti
1 male Lagotto
1 female Estrela
1 male Estrela
And last but not least 1 crazy sweet German Shepherd.
A great family!
As for work.
For me it was important to find something I could do at home so I could stay with my dogs. Many of you will not be surprised to know that my choice fell on promoting and selling raw food for pets.
It was quite by chance that this opportunity crossed my path.
Raw feeding is fairly new here (compared to Holland) but I must say that the beginning here is starting with truly excellent products that I feel really proud to be a part of.
I am not a sales person but raw feeding is my passion and I love to talk about it so I don’t have to be a sales person. All I have to do is preach what I love ;-).
Coming Saturday we will for the first time have a stall at a local organic farmers market. My hope is that this is were the people come that would be interested in going the extra mile to feed their pets raw healthy meals. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have sleepless nights about such an exciting adventure. It’s a big step needing more nerves and money but it is also something that brings big smiles. Who wouldn’t smile doing something they love.
I’m a very lucky person to be given this opportunity.
When I had my “normal” job in Holland I would do things like keep up with my emails and update my blog more regularly in quiet times at work. Now I’m “my own boss” suddenly I don’t seem to have the time LOL. I totter around all day doing dogs, business things, mowing the lawn, bit of house work (yes don’t laugh but I have actually bettered my self even in this area) and just find things to do all day. I think to myself Ill have a cup of tea now, put on the kettle, find another thing to do, put on the kettle again, ops just do that to… yet again put on the kettle, take the dogs out into the garden and find myself sitting with them either just watching them having fun or also at the same time brushing out one of the straight haired dogs…. and it can happen that 3 hours later I finally have that cup of tea. I have yet to be board.
Did I mention how fortunate I am?
I just hope that I will soon be earning money rather than that I have to ride on my brother and sister-in-law’s back and that they in turn can ride on mine :-)
And now finally a photo. This is Vaglie and Mint after doing a bit of gardening. The week before their complete heads and paws were completely packed with I swear was a kilo mud per dog so I was relieved they were not nearly as dirty this time. But to make up for that Zanna later arrived in the same state. Oh well three washed dogs later and all was ok.