Boy, must tell you a spooky story.
I got home late tonight from work. Well late for normal people, early for me, it was about 23.11.
I walked the dogs and gave them their hugs and kisses and settled down to get through my email. That’s a lot lately as I have rejoined some yahoo groups so as to learn more about Barf, other foods and chickens. Yes that’s right chickens, because I would really like to own some one day :-) .
I must give you some background information before I go on.
My Estrela, Flecha, is a breed that has been breed for goodness knows how many years to be a very noisy and effective guard dog. But I must own up that for a while I thought I had a throw back that just takes life as it comes, lets any strangers inside, at least when I am at home, all usually done with him not even bothering to lift his head from his sleeping place. When the post man comes and Flecha is laying by the front door the postman unknowingly drops the post onto him. Flecha isn’t bothered, unless it’s the yearly new telephone book LOL. When the doorbell rings he doesn’t bother to go to the door, he lets the Lagotti girls do the barking and will look from his sleeping place with one eye who comes inside. It’s really so amazing.
But tonight at 23.45 I’m sitting at my computer, all the dogs are in their baskets sleeping when Flecha starts to bark. Not a very Flecha thing to do and I bet the neighbors heard him while lying in their beds. I told him to be quiet but he kept it up and then the doorbell rings. Tieka and Zanna went ape, and at that moment Flecha decided it wasn’t a problem anymore and stopped. Ok, I’m stupid I know now, but I went and opened the door…. Wont do that again without taking Flecha with me. When I opened the door there was no one!! Yuk!!! That gave me the creeps. All the dogs barking must have had some effect on who ever it was. And I really believe that Flecha new they had run away and that’s why he stopped. This boy has such good sense, even through walls!! I’m positive he can feel what people are feeling.
Only twice before have I experienced something like this. It was many years ago at Christmas. Like I said when people come to the door it never bothers him and he never barks, but one evening he went absolutely mental. We opened the door but there was nothing to be seen. Till we walked the dogs that night and saw that someone had tried to steel the Christmas lights out of the front garden. Flecha had sensed through the door that these people were charged-up and up to no good. What a cleaver man!!! They had taken one tug, got the fright of their lifes and run away hahaha. And a month later he did this again but this time it was because there was someone messing around at the next-door neighbors 2 houses further. This time the person was seen running away. Errrr did I mention how proud I am of Flecha?
I have just given Flecha lots of love hugs to say how proud I am of him. He just lays in his basket as if it’s no big deal and all in a days work…… What a wonderful dog!