Monday, December 29, 2003

Chirstmas has been and gone, we hope you all had a great Christmas.

Owners of Tiekas pups, along with a few other seletive people of the human race are members of my Yahoo Kakapo group. Very active when pups are expected ;-) . And for the rest we share funny stories, photos and some times questions with eachother.

Here is a story from this group about a Lagotto that had the best Christmas ever. Her name is Mara and is owned by Marleen who was the owner of Zanna's sister Dolce.

Mara, who is very cute, is just a little older than Tieka's last litter of pups so I guess nearly a year old.

If you have the same sence of houmor as me go to the wc first ha ha ha.

What a wonderfull christmass-night Mara had!!!

Just like every year, whole the family was invited by my mother in law. Of course Mara was invited too!

One brother of Cris and his wife couldn’t come this year, so my mother in law cooked a lot more than necessary, so that Cris his brother and his family could eat the same marvelous menu the next day!

She really is a fantastic cook! As starter she made this year fresh salmon in a sauce of champagne, with (st- Jacobssvruchten)….yum, yum!

So while we were opening the presents under the tree my mother in law worked on the meal in the kitchen. The pan with fish she putted on the floor in the scullery, to let colder quicker, but she couldnt find the lid immediately.

So, when she returned with the lid a few minutes later, …..she found an empty pan!!!!!

Mara had eaten about 2 liters of salmon in champagne-sauce and ST jacobsclamps !!!!!

She thought is was great, felt really fat, but was licjking her mouth for the rest of the evening!!!!

You must know that Mara had eaten her own meal already an hour before!!!

So, for Mara it may be christmas everyday!

And as an extra present for my mother in law, Mara did pipi on the nice persian carpet, just when we wanted to go home….

I think I’ll have to buy my mother in law an extra X-mass-present !!!


And fat Mara!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2003

As you can see I dont seem to be able to get the photo of Zannas agility class as a picture :-(
Zannas agility class 2003

Thursday, December 11, 2003

So here is a bit of useful information if you have a naughty puppy. Who would of thought of this?
Thanks to the person that shared this with the world.

Remedy For Eaten Glass, Cotton Ball Remedy
(also helpful for cooked chicken bones that dogs get into)

What do you do if your puppy (or mischievous older dog) gets into your
holiday decorations and eats some of the glass ornaments? This potentially
lethal mishap can darken even the brightest holiday season.


Before the holiday go to a pharmacy and buy a box of cotton balls. Be
sure that you get cotton balls not/the "cosmetic puffs" that are made from
man-made fibers. Also, buy a quart of half-and-half coffee cream and
put it in the freezer. Should your dog eat glass ornaments, defrost the
half-and-half and pour some in a bowl. Dip cotton balls into the cream
and feed them to your dog. Dogs under 10 lbs should eat 2 balls, which you
have first torn into sma! ller pieces. Dogs 10-50 lbs-should eat 3-5 balls,
and larger dogs should eat 5-7. You may feed larger dogs an entire cotton
ball at once. Dogs seem to really like these strange "treats' and eat them
readily. As the cotton works its way through the digestive tract it
will find all the glass pieces and wrap itself around them. Even the
teeniest shards of glass will be caught and wrapped in the cotton fibers and
the cotton will protect the intestines from damage by the glass. Your
dog's stools will be really weird for a few days and you will have to be
careful to check for fresh blood or a tarry appearance to the stool. If
of the latter symptoms appear you should rush your dog to the vet for a
checkup but in most cases, the dogs will be just fine.

An actual experience: I can personally vouch for the cotton ball
treatment. While I was at the vet waiting for him to return from lunch a
terrified woman ran in with a litter of puppies! who had demolished a wooden
crate along with large open staples. The young vet had taken x-rays, which
did show each of the puppies had swallowed several open staples. He was
preparing them for surgery when my wonderful vet came in and said no
surgery. I watched him wet several cotton bails, squeeze out the water
and pop them down their throats. Within 24 hours every staple was accounted
for. This was a lesson I learned in the mid-1960s and have had to use
several times on my brats. I wet the cotton bails and smear on some
and they bolt it down and ask for more. The cotton always comes out with
the object safely embedded

Copyright reserved to Sandy Brock. Permission is hereby granted for
any nonprofit reproduction by any person or group - submitted by Susan
Colinan Carr>

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Saturday was a very cold but nice and dry day, great for the agility exams.

And Zanna passed with flying colors so I’m very proud of her and have decided to keep her Hahaha.

I hope to get a self made photo from someone that shows all Zannas class mates. He made and printed it out as a present for our teacher. A original and great idea. I asked if he could email it so I could show the world ;-) . I think I must email and remind him.

I would like to give you a link of a home page from someone that has cats, dogs, ferrets and one mink. It is all in Dutch, not a problem cos I just want you to see the great photos of all her animals together, its so cute.

But I must tell you one important thing. She takes a lot of time to explain that she dose not approve of keeping a mink as they are wild animals. Her reason to have “Stitch” is because she cant go into the wild anymore. This animal is very beautiful but can not be handled without losing a finger so don’t think of keeping such a beautiful animal unless absolutely necessary and you are just as crazy as her :-)

So go and have a look at this and enjoy