Monday, June 30, 2008

This is a cross-post some of you have already recieved from me. This way I hope to inform even more people to save a dog from a possable problem.
Excuse the incorrect spacing as the copy paste thing crops it all up togeather :-(

To all dog owners pass this on to everyone you can.Last Friday evening, I arrived home from work, fed Chloe, our Dachshund, Just as I normally do. Ten minutes later I walked into the den just in time to see her head inside the pocket of Katie's friend's purse. She had a guilty look on her face so I looked closer and saw a small package of sugar-free gum. It contained xylitol. I remembered that I had recently readthat sugar-free gum can be deadly for dogs so I jumped on line and looked to see if xylitol was the ingredient. I found the first website below and it was the one. Next, I called our vet. She said to bring her in immediately.Unfortunately, it was still rush hour and it took me almost 1/2 hour to get there. Meanwhile, since this was her first case, our vet found another website to figure out the treatment. She took Chloe and said they wouldinduce her to vomit, give her a charcoal drink to absorb the toxin (even though they don't think it works) then they would start an iv with dextrose.The xylitol causes dogs to secrete insulin so their blood sugar drops very quickly.The second thing that happens is liver failure. If that happens,even with aggressive treatment, it can be difficult to save them. She told us she would call us.Almost two hours later, the vet called and said that contents of her stomach contained 2-3 gum wrappers and that her blood sugar had dropped from 90 to59 in 30 minutes. She wanted us to take Chloe to another hospital that has a critical care unit operating around the clock. We picked her up and took herthere. They had us call the poison control for a case number and for a donation, their doctors would direct Chloe's doctor on treatment. They wouldcontinue the iv, monitor her blood every other hour and then in 2 days test her liver function. She ended up with a central line in her jugular vein since the one in her leg collapsed, just as our regular vet had feared.Chloe spent almost the entire weekend in the critical care hospital. After her blood sugar was stabilized, she came home yesterday. They ran all the tests again before they released her and so far, no sign of liver damage. Had I not seen her head in the purse, she probably would have died and we wouldn't even had known why.Three vets told me this weekend, that they were amazed that I even knew about it since they are first learning about it too. Please tell everyone you know about xylitol and dogs. It may save another life.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Well I’m feeling pretty proud!
I got an email from Ellen, the owner of Zanna’s oldest daughter, that they had competed for the first time in an agility competition.
They jumped right into the deep end and started in the A group doing all the apparatuses rather than opting for the easier group that don’t have to do some of the more tricky things. That was for me already a thing to be proud of them both for. But they went on to do 3 different trials where they came last in one, disqualified in another and 2 place in a third!
Wow quite an achievement for the first time. I was proud they went on to enter in competitions’ and extremely impressed they did so well already!
Here a photo of Nina and Ellens cool trophy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Yesterday my 3 puppies arrived in New Zealand!

Today mum, Dora and I went to visit them at the first moment we where aloud to and at 11.15 we found our way though the kennels to find 3 waggy tail dogs.

Somewhat bigger than I left them behind 6 months ago they are looking wonderful and happy and all grown up.

They were very happy to see us but I have no idea if there was also recognition in there enthusiasm.

Tod was quick to “own” me and wasn’t too happy to share me for the moment. Not that I aloud this but Tree and Mint accepted that Tod needed his little moment and went their own merry way to sit and cuddle with “oma” and “auntie Dora”.

Mint and Tree with Auntie Dora

Tod is so handsome, Tree is such a little lady and Mint is as I remembered a long legged happy clown. Siets did a wonderful job with them and I cant say how grateful I am that she took on these 3 energetic pups for me till they could leave to NZ….. x

I made my own photos that I can show you now. Dora made some lovely ones but I wont get them for a few days.

Just like my other dogs had they have got a magnificent view from their kennel. They can experience the weather and go in an out as they please. “Pet haven quarantine kennels” has given their kennels the maximum that the NZ Govt. allows for and the personal caring for the animals is excellent! I’m so glad we choose them to look after the dogs!

Its so nice to finally have my babies in NZ, now its another 29 days before they come home…..


Tree eating my left over lunch ;-). Tod pretending to sleep. Tree looking at the NZ view
Their two sleeping quarters. Mint saying hi to Oma
He dose look goeffy eh, he has such a wonderful carefree character you gotta laugh with him.
Mint laying down. Little Tree coming out of "bed room" and Toddy, he looks lovely and white eh, saying hi to Dora. Oma has an itch ha ha.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We are advancing into the video world! Please come and look at Kiwi, Saki and some of the little girls at:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hi All

Its about time I told you how things are going with Saki and the family.

Well I can keep it very short, its going remarkably great! But I’ll tell you a little more J

He is a super boy that is much to smart for comfort sometimes. I wonder if at his old home he could open doors? I would love his old owners to email me about him so if they are reading this now please do. We have round handles on the doors so its not an option for him to open them but I did seen him looking at them in a wishful way so he seems to know what they are for.

We had to buy a new rubbish bin. Our old one was an irritating thing that went open automatically when you got close to it. All very well if your intending to throw something away but if you are just standing near it making dinner it was a pain in the butt LOL. I bet you have guessed that Saki found out how this unique feeding bin worked in no time so it had to go.
Now we have a smart new one with a pedal. My sister-in-law Dora mentioned teaching Saki fly-ball wouldn’t be a good idea as then he’d learn how to open this bin too ;-) I wouldn’t be surprised if he leant this irrespective of the fact that he wont be getting fly-ball lessons….

Beach walks are getting better all the time. Dora and her puppy Tiki always go with us too. Its quite a sight to see 7 dogs having the time of their lives!
When Saki is going somewhere or to someone we don’t want him to we still run like silly idiots the other way screaming and yelling for joy making him realise we are much more fun to be with. My god we are getting fit ;-)

In the mean time my last 3 Lagotti that are still in Holland waiting to be the right age to come over can nearly arrive!!! They are planned to come on the 26th of June and should be coming home 30 days later. I cant wait to see them! See how they have grown and what they are like in real life now nearly mature. Hopefully they will fit back into the group just as easily as it went with Saki.
I wonder if my dogs will recognise them again. In Holland when I went to Lagotto club meetings it always amazed me that Kiwi (my Estrela girl who loved all the litters) would see so many Lagotti enter the hall and she would just lay patiently next to me while I was talking to friends. Then suddenly she would jump up and start crying and tugging at her lease and sure enough when I looked who had just entered it would be one of “her pups”! And people say dogs are dumb…..

Oh I haven’t told you about how Saki sits on his opponent. Haha you haven’t seen anything so funny as that. Be it Kiwi or little Rowi or even Tiki he can render is opponent helpless in one quick sit! Haven’t got a decent photo of this yet but one nearly doing his thing I can show you.
Sakis name is south African and it means King. I think its such a lovely name. But sometimes I think something meaning clown would have been very appropriate for him.
I haven’t had the courage to leave him alone with the rest of the dogs yet. I think he will be a bit of a demolisher. If I’m at home and I see him carrying a shoe or what ever a simple “no” is sufficient. But when not home he’ll taste them well Im sure. He’s not what Id call naughty, just plain inquisitive and always very hungry….. Oh gosh that brings me to the story that he shouted all the dogs to a 3 kilo lunch of meaty goat bones…. That was when I found out he could also open fridges LOL.

There is no peeing inside. He learnt that extremely quick, my adorable puppy.
He isn’t looking any better at the moment because parts of his fluffy coat is coming though in patches and the rest looks the same dark shaven hair. So from a distance he looks like he has some horrible skin disease HAHAHA.

Last Monday Kate, Bill and I started doggy school. Kate with Rowi, Bill with Rusty and I ended up unexpectedly taking a bloody Estrela again LOL. I was going to take a lovely easy Lagotto but then came Saki…..
It went really well and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. For Bill and Kate it’s the first time they have been to dog school. They did really well, good for them!
Oh and Dora I mustn’t forget. She went too only in the puppy class with Tiki so we don’t see much of them in the hour we are training. Her teacher is expecting them to do no less that perfect in the lessons as she had looked up Lagotto on the internet and read how intelligent and easy to train they are. Ha ha Poor Dora, but I actually think they will do REALLY WELL as Tiki just adores Dora and loves to please her. Very cute!

Well that was enough of me rambling on. Till the next update with hopefully some self made photos as I just found my camera back.


It’s a few days later and didn’t get round to posting this so as a foot note I can tell you that Saki spent a few hours with the other dogs at home today with no humans. I gave them lots of bones and this seemed to work! Pffff that’s another step closer to Saki’s perfection ;-)

Butter wouldnt melt in his mouth.....

Vaglie just sitting and thinking....."She devil" Kiwi. She loves playing with Saki, he's a lucky boy to have these girls love him so much.
Mummys boy.
My gorgeous Kiwi girl.