Big day for Dotjes puppies… they suddenly became little dogs!!!!!!!
The eyes are beginning to open
And suddenly they are stumbling around the whelping box wondering what on earth happened over night!
They have started doing their cute puppy bark surprising themselves how totally cool they are!
Mama Dotje is staying out of the whelping box for longer times. She walks in just to get them moving and exercising chasing after her, and then she leaves as if these yelling little pups aren’t hers. All part of the big plan to build up her pups to healthy strong Lagotti. And after everyone decided it must have been a dream that mama was there and has settled down in walks mama Dot and flops down around them to give them their milk reward.
I tried to take a photo that shows how eager they are at dinner time but non really give their true enthusiasm and excitement. They stand eager and stiff, all tails ridged in excitement and enjoyment of such a wonderful meal. Way to cute not to at least try to give you an impression of these now little dogs.
“I’m nof wetting go of vis for no foddy”