Tieka is doing it to me again….. letting me wait and wait…..
But these pups have to come out sometime so I guess it cant be long now…. Yesterday was expected date of birth…. I don’t expect pups today either. Tieka is as cool as they come, looking at me as if to say “you just wait, I’m not ready yet!” She is right, it hasn’t been long yet.
I have a short holiday now, then work a few weeks while the pups are cared for by Tieka so that my mother can “doggy sit” without too much hassle (presuming the birth etc goes well), then I work a couple of weeks for only 2 days a week, and then the last few weeks, when the pups become really annoying but lots of fun, I will be totally free. Well that’s the plan anyway, but you know how life goes, it can throw weird things at you, so we will see how it goes. But in the mean time Im enjoying the wonderful sunny weather we are having. Thank you Tieka for the excellent timing!!
Tieka has been losing a bit of mucus the last few days so I believe her body is making the way out for the pups good and slippery, they will just plop out LOL. A girlfriend I was walking with the other day became rather worried about this, thinking maybe Tieka would pop out a pup during our walk. “I hardly think so” I said “but should she do this we both have big warm pockets to put them it”. Haha she calmed down, and even though I was not worried we never the less did keep an eye on Tieke when she went to do a jobby ;-) .
She has a really warm belly and seems to like to cool it off on the cold tiles in the hall. Poor babies. Well mum knows best I guess. But she doesn’t stay there for long, in fact she often doesn’t stay somewhere for long as its quite a task to find a good position to lay down with such a moving mass of belly.
I get the impression that her back legs are nearly bending due to the extra weight… oh, poor Tieka. Still she loves to go for walks and still wants to play “fetch the pinecone”, racing Zanna to be first. I try to keep her from doing these things but she just doesn’t want to take no for an answer. However for the most part she is just walking… well plodding along is probably a better word for it.
In general I can only say Tieka is calm and happy. Oh, and hungry.
Just a extra bit of info. I have a small bird in the garden ( “rood borstje” for the dutch) , a real BARF bird, that combs the back garden for bits of left over bones from the dogs. He/she is so brave that he/she hops around by the window without being alarmed as I look out to watch him/her. Very cute. I think the bone marrow is what attracts him/her as that is good fatty food in cold times like these.